Day 56 – Week 9 – Feb 29th

Pretty good week last week, managed to loose 1lb and a quarter. bringing total loss thus far to 8 and a quarter lbs in 8 weeks. Which evens out to just a little over a 1lb a week. Sustainable.

Ate a bit too mental over the weekend, but hoping i can reign it in enough to have a decide loss this week, i’ll be happy with 0.5lb!


-Apple and strawbs

-Tea with milk (HEXA)

-Energy drink (sugar free)



-SW chow Mein

-Steamed veg (broccoli,green beans,sweetcorn, carrots)

-diet coke



-Mango pot

-Alpen Light x 2 (HEX B)


Total Syns

Water 1L



Day 53 – 25th Feb


-2 eggs scrambled

-Baked beans

-skimmed milk (HEX A)

-1 Alpen light bar (1/2 HEX B)



-SW Chow Mein

-Added carrots

-Diet Coke



-mullerlight raspberry

-rice cake x 2 (3 syns)



-werherspoons chicken skewers with Peri peri sauce (1.5 syns)

-diet energy drink


Total syns 4.5 

Water 1.5L


Day 50 – 22nd Feb (Week 8)

Well, because i’ve been flakey tracking my dinners, i unsurprisingly put on 0.5lb. This week is all about tracking everything i eat. I must seem to think if i don’t write it down – i didn’t eat it! ha.

New week – Lets do this!



-2 egg cups (ham and mushrooms)

-2 alien light bars (HEX B)


-Lemsip (1/2 syn)



-SW Risotto new meal (synfree)


-Diet Coke



-slices of banana, mullerlight vanilla + 2 meringues (2 syns)

-Lemsip (0.5 syns)

-pickled onions

-Roast chicken 


-green beans and peas

-tesco butternut squash bake 220 cals for half pack) don’t know what the cheese percentage is going to say 5 syns to be on the safe side


Total Syns 8

Water 3 Pints

Day 44 – 16th Feb

Went a bit mental with dinner last night, had a curry and ate all the samosa’s and curry bits, then ate a butt-load of marshmallows. i’m putting that behind me and moving forward though today is a new day.


-3 eggs scrambled with a bit of milk (HEX A)

-sugar free energy frink


-peppermint tea



-SW salmon pasta

-added vegetables

-diet coke




-toffee popcorn rice cake (2 syns)
Total syns 2

Water 1L






Day 43 – Week 7

Last week i managed to loose 1/2 lb which isn’t too bad, i was actually quite pleased. Aiming for that this week also.



-1/4 cantaloupe


-mullerlight yog

-sugar free energy drink

-peppermint tea x 2



-SW Mint & Pea soup

-Diet coke

-3 x cheese triangles (1/2 HEX A)

-3 x vegetable bites guesstimating these at 0.5syns each for the oil used in them. (1.5 syns)



-2 x Alpen Light bars (HEX B)

-Tea with milk (HEX A)

-Toffee popcorn rice cake (2 syns)


Total Syns 3.5

Water consumed 1L
