REVIEWED: Percy & Reed No-Fuss Flawlessness Dry Conditioner

I received this free from WIMH (What’s in my handbag) when i signed up, you get grab little freebies every now and then which is totally awesome. I think it usually retails for around £12?

I’ve only ever used one other Percy & Reed product before, another freebie in a magazine a few months ago, which was a hair mask. I LOVED the hair mask. I recently went from black to bright red then back to black (with the help of bleech) after which my hair was DEAD. I lost a good few inches of it where it just broke off, and this mask worked a treat. So i’m expecting good things from this product.

The Verdict
Well where to start with this product? As always with products from Percy & Reed the packaging/bottle design is beautiful well considered typography and black beautiful illustrations, the can has a matte finish to it. The dry shampoo itself is in aerosol for quick use before running out of the house in the morning. For some reason i was a bit apprehensive about using this on my freshly washed hair as i figured it would leave it a little greasy. This was not the case though. I applied it to layers of my hair lifting chunks up here and there to ensure equal coverage and making sure the ends were done to. I brushed the product through and my hair amazingly was silky, soft and smooth. Which is exactly what you expect from a normal conditioner. Beautiful.

The dry conditioner has a bit of a chemical pong to it, but it doesn’t make your hair smell if that makes sense. I LOVE this product, i think i’ll try using it after i’ve used their dry shampoo, as i tend to find using dry shampoo dries my hair out, i wonder if this product would counter-act that?

Would I buy it again? 
It retails for around £12, which seems a little step, considering most dry shampoos usually set you back a couple of pound, but if this was on offer i would purchase again. It simply does what it says on the tin.

Have you tried the No-Fuss Flawlessness Dry Conditioner? Would you like to?